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SMASH! is back!

After a three year hiatus, SMASH! is back. SMASH! is Triangle ArtWorks biggest event of the year, bringing the Triangle arts community together to celebrate a SMASHing New Year of connections + collaboration. The entire Triangle arts community is invited - all disciplines, for profit and nonprofit. It’s a party for hugging old friends, meeting that person you have only heard about (or met on social or interacted through email), discovering folks doing great new things in the area, sharing your joys and frustrations with people who “get it”, and meeting the folks who provide resources and services for the work you do. Or visit the Quick•Connect area to connect with lawyers, accountants and other professionals. Simply put - it’s a time to come together and celebrate YOU - the amazing, innovative and diverse Triangle arts community. So get out of your studio, get out from behind your computer, step away from your work … and celebrate the superheroic Triangle arts community. Learn more and register here.)


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